Thursday, August 7, 2008


NYT columnist Bob Herbert is seeing phallic symbols! Mr. Herbert claimed on msnbc's Morning Joe that an ad, done by the McCain campaign showed phallic symbols in the background, the Washington Monument, the Leaning Tower of Pisa, and the Victory Column, which was behind him as he spoke. These images, along with Britteny and Paris were used in the McCain ad which said that Obama was himself one of the biggest celebs going, right up there along with those two. He claims that at the very beginning of the ad there are phallic symbols, but I can't see them. I have run the thing several times, and while I do see a flash of white, I don't see the phallic symbols. Bob Herbert is seeing things. Being a woman I thought I should be able to see these things, but I didn't. Nothing, nada, zip, zilch. No giant phalluses. Bob Herbert was creeping me out. I mean, this man, a columnist for the NYT was sitting there, with this crazy look on his face going off about seeing these phalluses, and trying to get everyone else to see them too. What was up with that? I mean, I understand the man has drunk a cup of the purple pee, but dang, did he have to embarras himself by going on crazedly about those phalluses he thought he saw? Does he know that now everyone thinks he's crazy? Off his noodle? Out of his mind? I know I do, and I once half way admired the man. If you didn't know he was in the tank for Obama before you do now. Take a look at that video and tell me you don 't think that man is crazy!

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